A student who is at or below the median test score probably needs to do work to get the basic content down. Khan Academy is an excellent free source that
A & H Institute Open Day Event
A & H Institute of Health Management launched its open day on the 17th of September 2022. This day began with a lot of rainfall but the excited public could
What is Community Health And Why it’s Important
Education blogs are becoming a means for educators, students, and education administrators to interact more effectively than ever before. They are also a great resource for those searching for the
Combatting HIV in The Sub-saharan Region
A new study led by Professor of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Jane Eckhart found that a group of runners who had never been hurt landed each footfall more softly than
How to Deal With Covid-19 Where There is No Doctor
Education for Social Innovation, with our partners at the Toronto District School Board. The new course, co-designed with a group of lead educators at the TDSB, brings together elements of
How To Take Care of The Elderly Effectively
A new study led by Professor of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Jane Eckhart found that a group of runners who had never been hurt landed each footfall more softly than
How to Handle Covid-19 Patients Effectively
A new study led by Professor of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Jane Eckhart found that a group of runners who had never been hurt landed each footfall more softly than